Weather Nets can be an important tool in reporting severe weather to the National Weather Service. Often the nets are slow with nothing to report. At other times, the net hops so fast, it is difficult to keep up with the spotter reports, weather alerts, and keep a general situational awareness. I will not mention the usual stuff, such as make sure your radio is in working order.
As weather nets grow in size, both geographically as well as rates of participation, the net activites may need to be modified. However, at other times, nets as usual may occur. Don’t be afraid to forgo some net formalities you are used to. Remember the important thing is to get the message through accurately and timely.
These items may need to be considred for busy nets or nets where the severe weather is at the highest levels.
- If the net is busy, don’t take routine checkins. A checkin without a severe weather event to report is wasted air time.
- Net control may need assistance from several alternates. One to direct the net, one to monitor weather bulletins and alerts, and one to do reporting to National Weather Service. The person calling in to the net to make the report, may not be capable of fiing the report to the NWS themelves, be prepared to make that report on his or her behalf..
- The Net Control and alternates need fast and accurate access to information. The correct software is important. For receiving weather warnings and bulletins, a PUSH or PULL from the NWS is needed. Weather radio is great, but printed documents are much more useful.
- Look at WXWarn. Its free and very fast.
- No net control is comfortable without having a good weather radar app. Look at downloading GRLevel3. There is a one time regitration fee, but the software is well worth the money. Get oriented to the various weather radar views and how they are useful.
- Alert the net to what information net control is interested in most.
- Providing timely updates and information from NWS bulletins can be helpful in alerting spotters to current and developing conditions and better prepare them to make a needed report. And more importantly, It also may alert them to seek shelter.