This map shows the status of known telephone PBX servers on the AREDN® mesh network as reported on the mesh network data page http://wt0f-meshphone.local.mesh. The user device must be a member of the AREDN® mesh network in order to view this link. Automated updates can be done by installing the meshphone update utility found at This map has to be manually updated, therefore any updates to server status will appear here after a period of time.
The Mesh Telephone Network is separate from the public switched telephone network and lives on an Amateur Radio based network. It’s purpose is to allow an additional avenue of communications by Amateur Radio operators. The network serves as an additional mode of communications in the event of local telephone systems failure or overload, or local internet failure.
For additional information about the AREDN ® mesh network, go to For more information related to the local Mesh Phone PBX, use the contact information on this website.